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Dog of the Month Grizz The Rottweiler

We got Grizzly, AKA Grizz, with the intentions of training him to be my husband's service dog. We were there the day he was born and held him every week until he was able to come home with us. The bond started growing from there. Grizz was so in tune to my husband's needs even as a young puppy. So, when it came time to find a trainer, we needed to find someone who could not only train Grizz, but also understand the owner as well. My husband was having a hard time with his PTSD and was not able to go many places as a result. Grizzly loved going to group class and learning how to work. He knows as soon as his vest is on its time to work. We trained for two years, maybe more, and the more Grizz learned the more my husband became a little more social each time. He went from standing in the tree line during class to coming up and joining the class by the time we were done. I think he even began to enjoy going to group class as well, lol. My husband was able to start going out to more public places with Grizz by his side. He made it through a high school graduation in an expo center with thousands of people with Grizz right there with him. Had he not had Grizz, he would have never gone in the expo center to begin with. I am so thankful that they have this bond and that together they were able to conquer some of the obstacles his PTSD presented. These days Grizzly is retired now, but they still have this amazing bond, and he still has the desire to work. We couldn't have gotten them where they are today without the help of Craig from United K9 Academy.